
How Much Does Cosmetology School Cost?


Are you interested in becoming a cosmetologist? You can take your first steps toward this new career by completing the appropriate training. Cosmetology students will study skills relating to the beautification of hair, skin, and nails with an emphasis on hygiene and sanitation.

Depending on the program of choice, students can also learn about salon management, customer service and business skills. If styling, cutting, and coloring hair excites you, read on to learn about cosmetology school tuition.

What Is A Cosmetologist?

  • Inspecting and analyzing hair, skin, and scalp to recommend treatment
  • Discussing hairstyle options
  • Washing, coloring, lightening, and conditioning hair
  • Chemically changing hair textures
  • Cutting, drying, and styling hair
  • Receiving payments from clients
  • Cleaning and disinfecting all tools and work areas

How Much Does Cosmetology School Cost and Where Can I Study?

At Delta Technical College (Delta Tech), students can choose between a 13- or 16-month long Cosmetology Program. For costs specific to Delta Tech, please refer to Delta Tech’s Gainful Employment Disclosures.

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What Supplies Do I Need for Cosmetology School?

Cosmetology students will need starter cosmetology kits that are equipped with essential products.These kits may include scissors, combs, razors, clips and cutting accessories, curlers, mixing bowls, application brushes, coloring caps, sprays, aprons, and mannequin heads.Some programs, like the Delta Tech Cosmetology Program, do provide kits. Students can also purchase their own curling irons, blow dryers, straighteners, and other tools for their personal inventories

What Benefits Does Cosmetology Offer?

Aside from training for a thorough knowledge of cosmetology, program curriculum will also review skills essential to providing customer service. The training of customer service skills can aid cosmetologists in providing clients with high-quality service.Cosmetology training will familiarize students in aspects of salon management. Cosmetologists will be prepared to own their own salons and manage their own businesses.Education on basic business management skills allow them to schedule their own work and hours.

How Can I Pay for Cosmetology Training?

Financial aid is available to students who qualify. Financial aid can include: FAFSA, federal grants, federal low-interest student loans, GI Bill® Assistance, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), and scholarships.The Financial Aid Office at Delta Tech is available to assist students and answer questions.

Become a Cosmetologist with the Proper Training

Becoming a cosmetologist starts with the proper training and understanding of tuition costs. Contact the Delta Tech Admissions Team to learn more about the program.

