
How Long Is Cosmetology School?

Are you interested in cosmetology as a career industry? Are you wondering how long cosmetology school is and how quickly you can get working?

Cosmetology is the professional trade of hair, nail, and skin beautification, and is known for helping individuals look and feel their best. In order to practice, cosmetologists must earn their cosmetology licenses, which requires education.

How Much Time Does Cosmetology Training Take?

The program will cover cosmetology orientation, cosmetology sciences, hair care, nail care, skin care, croquignole curling, Mississippi rules and regulations, and salon management.

If you’re interested in learning more about the cosmetology industry, take a look at “What Are the Pros and Cons of Going to School for Cosmetology?

Talk to the Delta tech Admissions Team to learn more about the Cosmetology Program. For more insight on cosmetology school, read “Is Cosmetology School Worth It in 2018?