
Should I Attend Cosmetology School?

If you are interested in hair, makeup, nails, and all other things related to beauty, you may want to consider a career in cosmetology. Read on to see if any of these four statements sound like you:

  • “I like to help people look and feel their best.” As a cosmetologist, you will help your client find a style that makes them feel confident and beautiful. Whether getting a new haircut or style, a facial, or pedicure, many people love to pamper themselves and practice self-care with salon and spa services. 
  • “I love to express my creativity.” A career in cosmetology can be a fast-changing and dynamic profession. There are always new beauty trends to learn and perfect. You may  find pride in helping your client achieve a new style.
  • “I enjoy connecting with people.” As a cosmetologist, you’ll regularly meet new people. In the salon, you’ll have the opportunity to talk to your clients, get to know them, connect on a personal level, and potentially even make new friends.
  • “I get excited about everything beauty-related.” You may not know what you want to focus on professionally, but in cosmetology school, you get to learn the basics related to hair, makeup, nails, and skin care. This variety of training allows you to be a “jack of all trades” and helps you to find an area of expertise in cosmetology that you may potentially decide to focus on during your career.

If these statements resonate with you, then you may have the passion and motivation required to pursue cosmetology training.

What Cosmetology School Prepares You For

Investing in your education is the first step toward a profession in the beauty industry.  The Cosmetology Program at Delta Technical College offers students classroom and hands-on training in a variety of entry-level skills needed to work as a cosmetologist. In cosmetology school, you will learn:

  • Hair: Theory and skills in cutting, styling, and coloring
  • Nails: Experience with manicuring, pedicuring, and advanced nail services
  • Skin care: Instruction in specialized facials, masks, and manual care
  • Hygiene: Working knowledge of industry sanitation and disinfection practices
  • Salon management: Business management practices, including customer relations and sales

Delta Tech’s Cosmetology Program is designed to prepare you to earn your state cosmetology license. During the program, students will complete the required 1,500 hours of classroom and practical training at an accredited and state-approved cosmetology school. Students will also prepare for the written theory exam and practical skills tests required for licensure in the state of Mississippi.

Cosmetology is a Growing Field

Upon completing beauty school, graduates not only earn a diploma, but they are prepared with the entry-level skills required to pursue a career as a hairstylist, nail technician, salon manager, or other professional in the beauty industry.The number of cosmetology jobs in the U.S. is expected to grow. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were over 722,600 hairdressers, stylists, and cosmetologists employed in the U.S. in 2019.

Cosmetology School at Delta Technical College

